We provide all the tools to create copper etchings, photo-polymer etchings, monotypes, collagraphs, woodcuts, letterpress and screenprinting. Experienced printmakers can become members of the studio to create their own prints. Or, we can work in collaboration with artists to adapt their work to printmaking. Artists wanting a hand beyond the usual feedback conversation of the printstudio can schedule a workshop with any number of visiting instructors, or arrange an assisted printmaking session with Master Printer Jane Pagliarulo. The contract printing of full editions is also available (and maybe not a bad idea for folks more plate punk than plate patient). Call or email to discuss your ideas with us! Gift certificates are available.

Full Membership: $150 a month.*
Unlimited access, 24-7, with the exception of those times when a workshop is in session. Includes black and brown ink, solvent and newsprint, ink modifiers, use of etching facilities. Storage of personal supplies available. A wide variety of printmaking paper is available for purchase at our cost. Monthly members receive 20% discount on workshop fees. Print Arts Northwest members receive 10% discount on membership and workshop fees. *Sliding scale available if you contact Jane for a discussion.

Press Rental sessions, unassisted:
First day rate: $50 for the first day. This will include us giving you a brief studio tour so you can learn where everything is and how it all works. After that, if you want to just come in and use the studio for a day, it will be $35 per day. (See Four Punch Pass below for multiple days rate.)

Screenprint studio fees:
If you have your own screens and want to use your own emulsion, then you can just pay First Day Rate of $50 for the first day. This will include us giving you a brief studio tour so you can learn where everything is and how it all works. After that, if you want to just come in and use the studio for a day, it will be $35 per day. We also have emulsion and screen cleaner for you to use, it's an extra $5 per screen. If you want to use your own emulsion, then you can just pay the day rate of $50 for the first day. If you need to borrow our screen and want us to coat the screen in advance for you, so it's dry and ready when you get there, the screen set up fee is an additional $45 for each screen. You will need to clean out our screen at the end of your session unless you wish to come back and use it within two weeks. Then you must clean it out.

Four Punch Pass:
$100.00 this includes a lengthy studio tour so you can learn how it all works.
Returning Four Punch Pass: $85

Assisted Monotype session:
$250 per day for a solo session, where you are the only focus for a one-on-one collaborative printmaking session with a printer for 8 hours. This includes ink, solvents, and newsprint.
$225 per day for a shared session, where we may supply the other artist.
$175 per artist for two artists if you bring the other artist.
$150 per artist for half-day session (4 hours)
$25 discount on your next session if you refer anyone new to the Atelier!

Shoptime with a printer is $50 per hour. But in special cases where someone wants to hire a printer for an entire day, the price gets discounted significantly. Full day (8 hours) of private assisted printing is $250. 4 hour session is $150.

Printing of editions can be custom tailored to fit your project.

Free Fridays - Take any workshop from Atelier Meridian, and get free studio access every Friday for the next two months! Free unassisted printmaking includes brown & black ink, solvents & newsprint. Paper available at cost.

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©2021 Atelier Meridian Fine art printmaking studio - 820 N River St. Studio B-1 Portland, OR - Tel 503-729-9013