Atelier Meridian is a working print studio and artist community at the River Street Studios, right on the Willamette River just off Interstate Avenue, near Widmer Brewery. 820 N. River Street, Studio B-1. (Turn West onto Tillamook from Interstate Ave. Take 3 rights and a left and drive behind the building. We are facing the river in Studio B-1 on the North corner.) It is a spacious art studio with 24 hour access to the presses for members, and goodwill to artists and the curious who drop in for the occasional workshop, monotype session, or cup of tea.
Behind the wall of accordion garage doors live two big Takach etching presses; an Ettan etching press; a Kelsey letterpress; and shelves of all those other pins, brayers, rosin boxes, rollers, and smushers helpful for pulling woodcuts, collographs, etchings (there’s acid), solarplates, screenprints, letterpress and monotypes.
You may work independantly or hire a printer to teach you privately or semi-privately any form of printmaking you’d like to learn. Or ask us to print an edition for you. Bring a friend or two and make art together in a pre-arranged mini-workshop! Maximum 3 students and one or two printers allowed in the shop at one time.
Anchored among the worktables and inks is master printer and co-founder Jane Pagliarulo. Good to have on hand either in the backcountry or at the wheel, Pagliarulo brings years of experience in monotype, etching, and lithography from the plateaus of Santa Fe and the valleys of the Cascades.
If you would like to stop by to tour the studio, call Jane at 503-729-9013.
Find us on and join our mailing list to be informed about special events and workshop update. Check out the crazy stuff we are up to on Instagram @ateliermeridian |
Atelier Solstice Party
Saturday, December 21, 4-8 PM!
Come by the studio to celebrate and create! Use this time to manifest your vision for the next year. All the fires will be ablaze as we eat and drink and make art on the cusp of the shortest day of the year.

A good print studio runs on comraderie as much as its fine presses. On the occasional Friday everyone is invited – members and gawkers alike – to come in and have those conversations you'd meant to have during the week but found your head too deep in the acid to engage. There will be drinks and snacks and Someone Special coming in to show and tell something you’d been wondering about anyway. Ink & Drink. Stay tuned for the next edition.

Atelier Meridian offering Printmaking Residencies
Whether you are seeking uninterrupted studio time to focus on a project, or inspiration during a transitional time in your career, Atelier Meridian can tailor an experience to suit an artist’s individual needs. Residencies provide established and emerging artists opportunities to realize printmaking projects through 24/7 access to equipment, and creative support. Master Printer Jane Pagliarulo is able to offer collaborations or help with editioning. Contact Jane to set up a paid printmaking residency lasting from a week to a month. |
Check out our Parking Lot
Steamroller Printing event!
New shows went up this winter, so encourage your friends to stop by thee venues. Because ART makes a great GIFT!
Case Study Sandy and Case Study Downtown.

Gene Flores Creating
Atelier Meridian is thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration between WhitPrint and Print Arts Northwest [PAN]. Together, we have created a brand new print exchange project: Emerald Print Exchange!
The exchange is open to fine art printmakers across the country -- spread the word! Participation is limited to the first 200 registrants so don't delay. For only $35, you receive 10 original prints from other artists in exchange for your edition of 12. WhitPrint and PAN will each retain 1 print from every edition, which will be used for raising awareness and funds for both non-profit organizations. The collections may be exhibited and available for sale at venues in Eugene, Portland, and/or nearby areas. For details and to sign-up, visit Whiteaker Printmakers' Web site - www.whitprint.com/about/emerald-print-exchange-2019
FREE FRIDAYS: If you take a workshop from Atelier Meridian then you get to come in and print unassisted, free every Friday for the next two months. Includes brown & black ink, solvents & newsprint. Click here to find out about upcoming workshops.
We are running a winter special for new members -
Bring a Trio of printmakers and all 3 will get half price membership for winter! For details, click here. TRIO*
Even if you're not an artist, perhaps you know one. Give the gift of printmaking! Atelier Meridian has gift certificates available in any denomination. Choose a dollar figure or fill in the blank with a month of membership, an 8-punch pass, or choose a workshop. It's easy! You can pay by Paypal or venmo and we can e-mail you a pdf gift certificate.

Give the gift of a workshop or membership in any amount you would like for your favorite artist, or artist-in-the-making. Memberships come in increments of a day, a 4-day punch pass, or a month at a time. We also have an art bin full of framed and un-framed prints. Contact Jane for an appointment to browse the art or pick up a Gift Certificate, which could also be emailed to you so you can print and wrap it up with a bow!
©2023 Atelier Meridian Fine art printmaking studio - 820 N River St. Studio B-1 Portland, OR 97227- Tel Five-o-Three-729-9013 |